I am not sure what to think just yet regarding this McChrystal controversy. I have read the Rolling Stone article and really didn't find it that objectionable. Most of the piece was rather benign and the elements that seemed to agitate the DC folk were mostly attributed to his subordinates. What is clear is that there was a lack of good judgment by having a journalist privy to these comments that seemed to be made amongst compatriots behind closed doors.
I am certain that this is another problem for the Obama Administration. This is another irritant that when added to all the other stuff on their platter provides a significant challenge to their ability to adhere to the task at hand.
Within the besieged White House they must be starting to feel like a large prey such as a bear or buffalo being taken down by a pack of wolves - none of the wolves in and of themselves could challenge the larger prey but with each of them distracting and nipping at the large beast they eventually prevail.
The most common question at the West Wing today must be - what can happen next?
These are the times when experience matters - we know that the adults in both the Bush Administrations persevered, we know that the Clinton people had executive experience and acquitted themselves well; what will historians say about the Obama people? The problem is that we will not have the benefit of coolly studying these times through the lens of history - we are living them & the stakes are incredibly high on all fronts.
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